Monday activities
The usual activity to kick start the week, introduce the letter using the Early Learner book.
Discussing with her on the words that start with C: cat, caterpillar, cloud, cow, carrot, camel
C for cat craft activity
- Colour paper
- Glue
- Pen
- Scissors
- Make a C shape (big that covers 3/4 of the A4 paper)
- Cut the C shape
- Glue the C shape on the drawing block
- Make two triangles (to become the ear), cut and glue it on the drawing block
- Make the cat striped and glued it
- Decorate the cat by making the eyes, whiskers, mouth and nose
Cutting the C shape
Putting glue on the C shape to stick it on the drawing block
Making the cat eyes, nose, whiskers and mouth using pen
C for cat craft activity for kids
C for coins activity
- Coins (5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen and 50 sen)
- Paper and pen
- Introduce about all the coins that we have in Malaysia
- For the first row, I help to sort it out
- Then asked her to follow it for the next row
Maya sorting out the coin
All about me activity: Spelling name
- Colour paper
- Pen
- Scissors
I make a circle shape that contains her name letter as per below
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