Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Weekly letter C teaching plan (3/5)

Wednesday activities

C for cow craft activities

  • Colour paper and white paper
  • Scissors and glue
  • Pen
  • Black water colour

  • Make a C shape, cut and glue it on the colour paper
  • Next, cut a big circle shape to form the cow's face, two small circle to form the ears and an oval to form the nose. Stick and glue it. 
  • Use point finger and dip it in the black watercolour and stamp it on the cows body

 Make the C shape and glue it on the colour paper

 Make the cow's face, nose and ear and decorate it with pen

 Using point finger, dip it in black water colour and stamp it on the cow's body

 C for cow craft activity for preschool 
(Should make the C shape a big thicker, the cow looks so skinny!)

C for clock craft activities

  • Colour paper
  • Scissors and glue
  • Magic pen

  • Make 12 small circle shape to form the number for the clock (I used the balance from caterpillar activities)
  • Draw a C shape, cut and glue it on the drawing block
  • Stick the circle to form the clock
  • Make the minute and hour arrow 

Cutting the C shape

C for clock craft activities

As part of this activity, I also taught her to sing the month (Jan to Dec) and day (Sun to Saturday) song.

Month song
January, February, March and April
May, June, July and August
September, October, November and December
There are twelve months in a year

Day song
There are seven days, there are seven days in a week
Sunday, Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday

Because ive also added extra learning things while doing this craft activity, I skipped on reading the book and "my fave pet" activity

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